Who are we ?
tesweb SA was created in 2001 and have over 21 years of experience in the data recovery.
tesweb SA
tesweb SA belongs to a holding company of over 265 employees.
The company and the laboratory are based in Neuchâtel (Switzerland), cradleland of the european microtechnic.
We favour the nearness with our laboratory in Neuchâtel. None of our competitors can pretend to be as fast in terms of time limit.
The professional computing services are right to work with us. Indeed, our partnership network counts over

Our swiss laboratory
Our laboratory is adjacent to our administrative offices. The access to this laboratory is secure with a swipe card locking system that allows only a few permitted persons to enter. It also offers a traceability for each entrance and exit.
Our laboratory is divided in different specific zones (soldering, disassembly, recovery, clean room, etc.).
Our laboratory is adjacent to our administrative offices. The access to this laboratory is secure with a swipe card locking system that allows only a few permitted persons to enter. It also offers a traceability for each entrance and exit.
Our swiss clean room
We have our own clean room in Neuchâtel (in a separate room of our laboratory) of 12m2 ISO 5 certified.
This clean room is under overpressure and inside, there's a laminar flow hood ISO 3 certified.
This in the laminar flow hood that we proceed to the manipulations that require a absolute cleanness, as, for example, changing the head stack or cleaning the platters.

Why working in a clean room?
The constant evolution of technologies and the miniaturization of the HDDs force us to use leading-edge technologies, so we can maximize a data recovery success chances.
Indeed, the surface of a strip is extremely fragile, due to its minimal thickness and coating. Chemically degraded magnetic tapes are also very sensitive to the loss of the magnetic tape binder and magnetic oxide recording material, as reading or handling the tape without care can cause these materials to flake.